Located in Issaquah Washington

Sky&Earth Center of Light offers healings and activations, handed down from teacher to student for thousands of years designed to work with your highest potential where ever you may be in your life Certified by The Modern Mystery School.
Mind, Body & Spirit
Sky&Earth Center Of Light is here to support you on your unique journey of Self Discovery and Empowerment through mind, body and soul healing.
The Modern Mystery School (MMS) is a path for healing, Empowerment, and self-knowledge. This lineage offers a path through the process of initiation, upholding its oral tradition from the teachings of King Solomon and Hermes Trismegistus. These tools have been time-tested to support how we can master our lives as spiritual beings having a physical experience.
Our mission as a global community of Lightworks is for World Peace, and the building of a new world (Shamballa). To do this, its starts with each and every one of us taking the responsibility to do the work in healing ourselves and working through what no longer serves us, giving us access to more Joy and clarity in our lives so that we may begin to create the World that not only WE want to Live in, but a world that will support our children and future generations to come.
This journey begins within, with the right tools and support to do so...
Strengthen Your Foundation
The Life Activation is the first step to many other opportunities of healing and solid foundation this lineage has to offer. Cleaning away and planting the seeds, to allow for greater access to your higher-self and purpose in life. Revealing your hidden gifts and activating the 22 strands of your divine blueprint, bringing more light and energy into your body and life.
Kelsey Trautman
Life Activation Practitioner
Her service is in holding the door open for others to remember and actualize their highest potential in this lifetime. Acting as an escort for healing, empowerment, and support for those who are ready to make real shifts in their life.
Learn more about Kelsey and her personal journey.

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Core Services
Recommended services to begin your journey...

Life Activation
Life Activation allows you to begin to rewrite the old programming of who you think you are so that you can aligning with your true self. Begin the process of dissolving the subconscious blockages that prevent you from healing and finding your life purpose.
Full Spirit Activation
Full Spirit Activation is the second part of Life Activation. Connect to the deeper aspects of your soul and increase conscious awareness of the roots of your decisions, habits, beliefs and subconscious patterns that influence your life choices.

Empower Thyself
Empower Thyself is 2 day, in-person workshop and initiation that provides you with wisdom teachings, methods and tools taught by the ancient mystery schools that resonate with the soul and gives you tools that you can apply daily to master your life!

Schedule Your Consult
Message me and let me know what services you are interested in and I will reach out to you to schedule your first in-person consult.